Tuesday 25 September 2018

Out on the water

We have decided on a 2 hour cruise down the Danube. But first breakfast. Sounds simple, but no. We passed a breakfast place last night and our plan is to go there. After walking around, literally around,  for half an hour we still haven't found it. We do find an alternative, but are informed we can't get food for another half hour. No thanks, we'll continue on and hopefully find our original destination.  And 50 minutes later we do, but they finished serving breakfast at 10, and lunch doesn't start till 11. Really! After a bit longer we find a place and finally eat.

We are all set for our 1pm departure, the fiasco of the morning not quite forgotten. We are on the Swarovski boat.

We sit on top and enjoy the hours on the water.

Mexican tonight for dinner for a change of pace. And an early night (as usual), for tomorrow we are off to Munich.

Monday 24 September 2018

Is that track 1, 4 or 2 to Passau

So after much debate to where we should go on our off days, we decided on Passau.
Up for a run before our 11:15  departure.

Easily purchase tickets, one transfer required, trip is only 1 1/2 hours. The transfer does not go that smoothly. We are on platform 1, but then advised it has been changed to platform 4, we hussle over. Waiting for the train to arrive we are told it is now platform 2. We make it, but it definitely got our adrenaline up. Once we arrive in Passau we drop our bags at the hotel and set off to explore and climb up to the Fortress "Veste Oberhaus".

After walking around we have lunch overlooking the town.

Passau has been a pleasant surprise.

Sunday 23 September 2018

3 posts in 1

Well a little behind in my blogging. Lisa and Chris have kept me quite busy. Friday morning we left Beilngries for Parsberg.  About 10km had us in Berching. What a lovely town, a little cycling to explore and then we decide to have a beer. Came across a kids park with a zip line, so have that a go and then we  were on our way to Parsberg.

A couple of hills on this route,  I had to work, but a few hours later we were in Parsberg. Great accommodation.  We head off for a quick beer and a bit to eat. Didn't get anything to eat, but did have a few beers. We hooked up with the two Brits and we had an awesome meal at the hotel.

As usual an early night. Tomorrow we are hoping the train to Nuremberg. Once inside the the walls of old town, we see the autumn market is on. 

The smell of sausages is too much, Chris and I have one. I had the Nuremberg sausage and Chris the frankonian. And then we are off to storm the castle. Next up lunch. Since I already had my sausage went for the strudel.

And Janet why there are so few pictures of our meals is that we are so hungry when our meals come we just eat!

Then we hop the tram out to Zeppelinfeld Nazi party rally grounds. Train back to Parsberg and a quick dinner and as usual an early night.

Woke to heavy rain this morning. By the time we leave it has lightened up considerably. We pick up Andy, a chap from England whose wife is not interested in riding in the rain.

And that concludes the cycling portion of our holiday. We had a great time, I'm the only one who took a fall, but no serious damage. In the words of Adam Yates "that's bike racing!"

One final word from guest bloggers Lisa and Chris Cook:

Thursday 20 September 2018

Stay Put Day 2 - Beilngries

Plan for the day: Brenda's going for a run and then we are going to tour around town. Run, check. Foggy when I went out and HUMID!

 Back at the hotel for breakfast,  and get our plan for the day together.
Up the hill to the rock cellar brewery museum and Schloss Hirschberg. Museum is only open to groups today, walked around the Schloss, as you can't go in.

So without being to into either place, back down the hill for beer and lunch.

Cheesy pasta with fried onions for Lisa and I, steak for Chris.  So tasty.
A short stop by the Hör Haus.

A little shopping,  scarfs and shoes. And oh my, more beer.

Dinner at the hotel tonight, and an early night. Tomorrow onto Parsberg.

Wednesday 19 September 2018

4 Catles and a Beer Garden

Today's plan was beer and general awesomeness. A fairly early start for our ride alomg the Altmuhl river from Kelheim to Beilngries.

Beer gardens along the route were in short supply, but eventually we found one. Actually a bakery that sold beer, so lucky us. They also have sold some lovely chocolates.

Tonight dinner was included with our stay. Is was okay but nothing special. I had the fish, Lisa vegetarian (zuchinni) and Chris the pork. They forgot about us so no dessert.

Tuesday 18 September 2018

Stay put day 1

Today is a day for exploring the area around Kelheim.  I was suppose to go for  a run, but was awake most of the so blew it off. After breakfast we head of to visit the Kloster Weltenburg. The Abbey has the oldest brewery in he world, since 1050. They produce award winning beer. After walking part way we catch a small boat for the remainder.  We wander the grounds for a bit, and then, surprise, bier garden. We have a couple beers and desserts. Very good, Chris went with apple strudel,  Lisa raspberry tart, and I had tart made with the Kloster liqueur. All very tasty. 

On the boat trip back the captain is sharing knowledge about the river, gorge and area. One of the ladies on the boat share a bit of thr info to us in english, we are thsnkful. On the walk back to town we are informed that we can pick the apples along the way, so we pick a few.
Once back in town, Chris opts to stay at the hotel, while Lisa and I proceed up the hill to check out the Liberation Hall. King Ludwig I commissioned he construction of this monument to commemorate both the victorious battles against Napoleon during the Wars of Liberation 1813-1815 and the unification of all the German races. Very impressive.

More traditional Bavarian fare for dinner, and an early night for us. Tomorrow back on the bikes.

Cycling Regensburg-Bad Abbach-Kehlheim

Out for s short run this morning. The weather is beautiful, more so because it was frosty at home.

After a short briefing and bike fitting we are on our way.  Before we head out of town we are after a prepaid SIM card, 3 shops later we get one and head out of the city.

After about 20km, we and up in Bad Abbach we were find out first bier garden. Sit and enjoy a cold beer.

Another 20km land us in Kelheim. After locating our hotel and a little indecision,  we opt for showers and head out for dinner. We and up at a traditional bier garden. With no English menu available,  we do out best to pick 3 dinners. Then we find a young waitress to help us interpret . In the end we stick with the ones we had already picked. Lisa had beer steak, Chris and I have pork. Chris's with a mushroom sauce and mine grilled. A very good dinner, followed by ice cream, on the walk home. Before we make it to the hotel, we opt for one more beer. It's now 8pm and they have rolled up the streets, so we pack it in for the night.

Great start the holiday and a great way to spend a birthday!