Wednesday 4 November 2015

Last day and trip wrap up

It was pointed out to me that I just stopped posting and left things hanging. So...

On my last day Terry and I headed to the Napoleon museum. Smallish museum, but well done (and free). Had no idea how big the Napoleon family was and how involved they were in the history in Italy. (No pictures).

Then we went to the Stadio di Domiziano archeological site. This was the first built in the 1st century and was paved over in the 15th century and is now Piazza Navona. A very busy tourist piazza. We stopped and shared a pizza and bottle of wine and watched the action.

Model of stadium

Excavated stairs

The afternoon was spent drinking wine in a square near our hotel in Trastevere. For dinner we went back to our favorite little spot, Cajo e Gajo.

Organized myself for my departure on November 5. Happy with my decision to go home early (still so as I write this a week later). Left early Thursday morning (and Terry, who had a great last day on his own). Uneventful trip to the airport, although the train was packed with those going to work, had to stand part way in the doorway - awkward with luggage, but I wasn't the only one. Eventually got a seat as the train emptied. The lady across from me had not validated her ticket, but lucky for her she did not get fined (€50). The was a fire last spring at FCO, the airport is a mess. 9 hour economy flight to Philadelphia. Not as bad as I had expected. Home via Seattle the next day. And I ended up being 'that' traveller - I have a cold. Thanks to Bela for picking me up at the airport. Picked up Einstein from the kennel Saturday morning. So happy to see my girl!

So in the end FANTASTIC trip. 10 weeks definitely long enough for me, serious travel fatigue by the end (no, I don't expect any sympathy, not the worst problem to have).

Some thoughts about my trip:
Favorite city: Stockholm
Favorite moment: Reaching the summit of Mount Maglic (thank you Samer)
Coolest experience: meeting my Swedish relatives
Funniest moment: 'Sauna' in Bad Radkersburg
Best meal: tough one, had a handful of great meals, but have to go with -  Swedish meatballs
Favorite natural spot: Plitvice Lakes National Park
Gelato: Florence; Perché No (honey and sesame), Gelateria dei Neri (cioccolato messicano)
Regret: not buying boots in San Marino (they were beautiful, but too expensive)

Heading back for the German Christmas Markets river cruise next week with Leah, won't be blogging, but will post pictures on Facebook and instagram.

Thanks to all who 'traveled' along with me.


  1. I love the recap/thoughts on the trip, Brenda!! And Swedish Meatballs? Really? LOL I also love Einstein's pic - what a sweetie (made me cry, but there you go).

    Thanks for letting us come along - I am sad that you won't be posting during the river cruise as I am not on FB very much...but I'll try and sign on and check them out :) BTW - I had a great holiday!!

  2. but is it the meatballs with the nutmeg or the ones with the allspice...

    and there should be a new set for the river travel now... ;)
