Saturday 10 November 2018


After our epic day yesterday, our plan today is not to walk a half marathon. After breakfast we head out to up the Acropolis.  Early enough in the day that there is no line up yet, in and up we go.

After the Acropolis, we had a gelato on the way to the Acropolis museum. Great museum ,

Of course no trip to Athens is complete without a little Polish dancing....

Poland is celebrating 100 years of independence on November 11. We saw them at the expo, and Belinda was hoping to get a t-shirt,  no luck though.

For dinner we went to the restaurant next to our hotel, ellévoro where Belinda had the five course 42k meal and I had the roast chicken, great meal.
We confirm our game plan for tomorrow. The day! Nervous, existed and anxious. 

1 comment:

  1. Ha - Polish dancing on the streets of Athens! Great that you found gelato - I know how much you love it! Great selfie of you two...was it windy? Yay to blog posts!!
