Thursday 15 November 2018

Meteora draft

Today we woke up in Kalambaka, where we spent the night in a brand new 5 star hotel. Very nice accommodation,  unfortunately the food was a huge disappointment. But the sights today are spectacular. 
Six of the original twenty four Eastern Orthodox monasteries remain. We will be visiting two: monastery of St. Stephen and monastery of Ronsanou.

Zindros Icons, creators of Byzantine icons

After a stop for lunch, thank goodness our last buffet lunch, we head back to Athens.  They play 'My Big Fat Greek Wedding' on the way back.

Luckily we are the third stop in Athens. We are staying in a different hotel for the next two nights. I get my bearings and head to our hotel, the tour bus cannot navigate he narrow streets. The reviews of the hotel did say that the streets you have to walk down to reach the hotel look a little dodgy.  And they were correct, but completely safe. Check in to the hotel fast and efficient, the room is fine. We then get directions to find dinner. Hard to decide on a restaurant,  as we are early for dinner and none are busy. Eventually we choose one. Mainly because the serve Fix beer. In the end they don't serve Fix dark, but he has another Greek dark beer, which turns out to be very good.

We start with baked feta again, this time with honey and sesame, and anchovies. 

I go with kabobs for dinner. Yummy.

We then ask for our bill, but instead of brining our bill they bring us a little dessert and a digestivo, like a cool mulled wine.

We had already eaten the dessert bite before we thought to take a pic. A stop by the local pastry shop for baklava and we head home, Belinda leaves early in the morning.

1 comment:

  1. Wowzers - feel for the poor souls who had to build that monastery all the way up there. Amazing views, though - and good exercise getting up and down.

    Yay to food pictures ;) Are you a big fan of baked feta now? Would you do it in a brie baker? I've had it mashed and drizzled with honey and black pepper to spread on crackers, but never thought to bake it. Was the baklava good?
