Friday 30 October 2015

Civita di Bacnoregio and Orvieto

2 great towns.

The hill that Civita di Bacnoregio is on is slowly crumbling away and taking the town with it.


Not sure what this town has against trumpets?

Thursday 29 October 2015


After our epic drive yesterday we opted for a closer destination today: Assisi.

The short drive was fine, except at one point Terry did have grandpa on his tail, but at the first opportunity grandpa left us in the dust. Italian drivers are as crazy as they say.

We first toured the Basilica Papale San Francesco D'Assisi. Terry got us the audio tour. It was good, but took us through each fresco in the upper basilica. A bit too much, by the time got to the last chapel I was done. We walked the streets and made our way to the castle. Great views over the town and valleys.

You know I can't resist...

Wednesday 28 October 2015

San Marino

We were off to San Marino. It is a 2 1/2 hours drive. A little foggy here when we left, but man the fog as we climbed through the mountains! Could not see a thing. The switchbacks on the road were so tight the GPS just showed a blob for the route. Still foggy when we finally made it to San Marino, so no views, but some great foggy pictures. Spent the afternoon walking through the towers, grabbed some lunch and began the long drive home. Best thing heard today (parents to their child) "No running in the castle".

Tuesday 27 October 2015

First drive in Umbria

Destination - Piana di Castellucio do Norcia.

The drive was interesting. Curvey, somewhat narrow roads. The drive was beautiful as we climbed up and up. The higher we went more the colours of the foliage changed. As we crested the hill, the view that greeted us surprised me. Not sure what I expected, but it sure wasn't this.

We walked around the little town. And then decided to grab a bite to eat. There was a gentleman grilling meat panni's from a little truck, and they smelled fantastic. So we ordered a couple and enjoyed them with a cold beer (not a huge fan of Italian beer). 

Then off we went. Next destination - Ponte delle Torri at Spoleto. Great drive down the other side, incredible views. Once we got to Spoleto we followed the GPS which took us right into the old town. I wasn't really enjoying it, Terry was loving it. I was worried about getting caught going the wrong way on the tiny streets. In the end we made it to our destination without incident.

Into town to explore, and have gelato.

They have some tunnels underground with escalators for getting from the lower part of town. Pretty cool, but the sensation was bizzare.

Back in Todi, had a little rest and went for dinner. A great little restaurant. Terry had a wild boar stew and I had scaloppini, both with awesome roasted potatoes, a nice wine and yummy desserts. Great day!

Saturday 24 October 2015

Last day in Florence and onto Umbria

Low key day for my last in Florence. Went to the Galileo museum today. Really a good museum.
Aristotelian planetarium

Brachistochronous fall and inclined plane

First gelato of the day at Gelateria dei Neri: cioccolato messicano and della casa (Mexican chocolate and cheesecake). The chocolate was amazing.

On the hunt for my second gelato, decided that I could actually go for some lunch. Found a place that looked great. Inquired about a table, the waiter said one minute. He came back with a deal for me, I would have to wait 5-10 minutes for a table, in exchange he handed me a glass of prosecco. That's a deal I could get on board with. At Jacqui's suggestion that I eat more pizza, but nothing weird like tuna fish. I went with the tuna fish and sweet onion pizza. It was very good, I'd have it again for sure. Sat in the square eating my pizza and drinking red wine, had a nice chat with some German tourists. Was getting late in the afternoon, I had planned on visiting the Boboli Gardens, but it would be closing soon so took a pass. Went back to Perched no! For my second gelato of the day. Went with milk with honey and sesame, another amazing flavour.

Sunday was a travel day. Heading to Todi in Umbria. Took the train to Perugia, and took a private car transfer to Todi. Being Sunday there wasn't a train till early evening, and I had no interest in hanging around for the afternoon. Terry picked a great place for our stay in Umbria. An old monetary. A short walk up the hill lands me in Todi.

Walked around, and up and down the streets of this small town. What did I come across, a gelateria. Pistachio is not my favorite flavour, but nice gelato. Did need to eat something besides gelato, found a tiny takeout pizza place. It had focaccia pizza by the slice, surprised how good this was! Terry arrived about 1:30am.

We were picked up at 10:30am for a wine tasting. Great food and wine. Even the dog likes grapes! Reminded me of Patches and MC and their love of raspberries

Blogger is giving me trouble and I cannot resize the pictures no remove them, sorry. And that dog looks slightly possessed/demonic.

Back to the hotel, Terry needs a nap. In the early evening we walk up to Todi, and have drinks in the palazzo and stop at Degi's Pizza for a slice.

You will notice no gelato today. Good to know I am not an addict, yet.

Friday 23 October 2015

Michelangelo, Best Gelato and Shoes

Took a 'Michelangelo' tour today. Overview of his life, influences and early works. The guide has a PhD from Columbia in art history. So LOTS of information. No test at the end though, thankfully!

We started at the Casa Buonarroti where we viewed two marble reliefs.

Madonna of the Stairs

Battle of the Centaurs

Then to the Bargello, where we also viewed 3 other David statues.

And finally to the Accademia, to view the David

Unfortunately my pictures of the Prisoners did not turn out. These were works in progress.

After all that, time for lunch and then, wait for it, gelato. Went to Perché no! Why not!
I think this is the best (so far I have 3 gelateria's on my list for tomorrow). Went with apple pie and almond & fig.

Stopped by the Ferragamo museum next. Shoes!

Beautiful day in Florence.

Thursday 22 October 2015

Siena, San Gimignano and Pisa

Took 'The Best of Tuscany Tour' with Walkabout.

Siena is one of Tuscany's most iconic Medieval towns. We had a guided tour of the town, which was really good. The town is divided into 17 districts, each having emblems on the buildings as you enter the district and how important it is when it comes to their famous horse race, the Palio.

Piazza del Campo

A couple of district emblems.


Inlaid marble floors in the cathedral. There are 56 panels, took 200 years to complete by 40 Italian artists, using the world's most precious marble.

Beautiful frescos in the library.

One of Michelangelo's earliest sculptures.

Lunch at a Tuscan farm. Wine tasting included. Very nice.

More of me, for those of you you want that!

San Gimingnano
At one time there was 42 towers, nicknamed 'Medieval Manhattan'

And of course gelato: cappuccino al rum and Michelle (saffron, almond, orange peel and honey) were the flavours of the day. Ties with Vivoli for the best


Really does lean a lot. Nicer looking than I anticipated.

Full day, great tour. Tuscany is beautiful. Can't wait to explore Umbria next week with Terry!