Tuesday 27 October 2015

First drive in Umbria

Destination - Piana di Castellucio do Norcia.

The drive was interesting. Curvey, somewhat narrow roads. The drive was beautiful as we climbed up and up. The higher we went more the colours of the foliage changed. As we crested the hill, the view that greeted us surprised me. Not sure what I expected, but it sure wasn't this.

We walked around the little town. And then decided to grab a bite to eat. There was a gentleman grilling meat panni's from a little truck, and they smelled fantastic. So we ordered a couple and enjoyed them with a cold beer (not a huge fan of Italian beer). 

Then off we went. Next destination - Ponte delle Torri at Spoleto. Great drive down the other side, incredible views. Once we got to Spoleto we followed the GPS which took us right into the old town. I wasn't really enjoying it, Terry was loving it. I was worried about getting caught going the wrong way on the tiny streets. In the end we made it to our destination without incident.

Into town to explore, and have gelato.

They have some tunnels underground with escalators for getting from the lower part of town. Pretty cool, but the sensation was bizzare.

Back in Todi, had a little rest and went for dinner. A great little restaurant. Terry had a wild boar stew and I had scaloppini, both with awesome roasted potatoes, a nice wine and yummy desserts. Great day!

1 comment:

  1. Interesting place - love the walled 'walk', although not sure I would enjoy the height!
