Sunday 4 October 2015

Rain and Fog

Bit of a fitful night. Awoke at 3am, my knee was sore, thankful for the 'magic cream'. But then there was a fellow on his way home singing (I'm being generous) away. This went on for what felt like forever. Then at 5am, a cat fight. My lord. When we finally stirred Bled was fogged in. Jack scrapped golfing. We headed out in the car to Bohinj, about 25km away. We stopped by the tourist information got a map, and had a look at the beautiful scenery on the postcards. Here's what we saw:

So we headed back to Bled for the Original Bled cake since 1953 at the Hotel Park. They make 500,000 cakes a year.  Everyone was having a piece. 

Over cake we talked over our options, we decided we would head out tomorrow in search of better weather. So we spent the next couple hours looking at weather reports and looking for accommodation. With plans made, time to head out for our late lunch/early dinner. We are going to the castle! It's suppose to be a 20 minutes walk, if you go the easier, short route. Of course that's not the way we go. We take the long route around the back of the hill. A good slog up and we are rewarded with views over the lake and town.

We started with venison pâté with cranberries and raspberries.

I had the lamb chop with carrots, dried apricots and chestnuts, potato dumplings with cottage cheese and poppy seeds.  Jack had the deer backstrap, bread pudding with Gorenjka chocolate and cranberries in red wine sauce. He said it was like chocolate gravy. Fabulous meal. We decided to finish with walnut liqueur. As our waiter brings it out the presentation is very nice. One way for the ladies and one for the men. The men get a little bit of walnuts. The ladies have some honey & walnuts so the liqueur won't be as strong, also some smoldering thyme to smell. Of course we laughed, 'cause we figured it should have been the other way around. Very, very smooth, might have to see about bringing a small bottle home.

For fun we decided to take the short way down home, very quick. Just arrived back at the hotel as the rain started again. Thanks Slovenia it's been fun, but time to go.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful views from your walk and the castle even with the fog and drizzle! Sounds like a very fancy dinner - and yummy! Love the selfie :)

    Hope you find better weather down the road - I enjoyed Slovenia, thanks for taking me along!!!
