Thursday 22 October 2015

Siena, San Gimignano and Pisa

Took 'The Best of Tuscany Tour' with Walkabout.

Siena is one of Tuscany's most iconic Medieval towns. We had a guided tour of the town, which was really good. The town is divided into 17 districts, each having emblems on the buildings as you enter the district and how important it is when it comes to their famous horse race, the Palio.

Piazza del Campo

A couple of district emblems.


Inlaid marble floors in the cathedral. There are 56 panels, took 200 years to complete by 40 Italian artists, using the world's most precious marble.

Beautiful frescos in the library.

One of Michelangelo's earliest sculptures.

Lunch at a Tuscan farm. Wine tasting included. Very nice.

More of me, for those of you you want that!

San Gimingnano
At one time there was 42 towers, nicknamed 'Medieval Manhattan'

And of course gelato: cappuccino al rum and Michelle (saffron, almond, orange peel and honey) were the flavours of the day. Ties with Vivoli for the best


Really does lean a lot. Nicer looking than I anticipated.

Full day, great tour. Tuscany is beautiful. Can't wait to explore Umbria next week with Terry!

1 comment:

  1. Lovely picture of you, Brenda :) But that tree is leaning...does everything lean in Italy? LOLOLOL (It's early, I'm only on my first cup of coffee)

    You better find a gelato place in Calgary to satisfy your daily routine!!!
