Saturday 26 September 2015

Dzaboka & Gruska

With the horrors of last night almost forgotten, a lovely breakfast spread and we are on our way.

Paul presented us with two options a 35km or 60+ km route. Since we didn't cycle yesterday we went for the longer route. It would be a lovely route with some rolling hills and a few "kickers".

So about those "kickers" a couple of them did get the better of me. There was a litte cursing going on. Jack was not happy with the 15% grade. They just seemed to go on forever. By 3pm (4.5 hours of cycling) we arrived at our destination. Tonight is an agro-tourism stay. It is harvest time, so very busy, but they made us feel welcome with a glass of homemade wine. They produce about 7,400 litres of wine, mostly white, very little red.

A little rest, a shower to freshen up and it's dinner time. We are the only guests. They bring us a bottle of wine and sparkling water (we don't know till later they drink spritzers). Then dad asks if we want an appertif, of course we want to be polite. Homemade cognac, Jack made an unusual sound as it went down and then gave the thumbs up. This got a laugh from the men! Dinner was soup, salad, meat and potatoes. Very tasty, we were hungry. A plate of sweets for dessert. There was also walnut liquer, and another not sure what it was, both were very nice. We had a visit with our host, Edita, she speaks Slovenian and German but less English. Then the 'big boss' (dad) came in and poured us more wine. 50/50 he says for the spritzer, but really more like 2/3 wine. His tumbler is down in two swallows and back to work. Time for us to retire, we have to get back on the bikes tomorrow.

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