Sunday 13 September 2015

Maglic Mountain

First, I forgot to post this picture of the monument here next the hotel to commemorate the partisans victory against the Nazi's in WWII.

So now onto the big hike of the trip. We are going to summit Maglic Mountain, 2386 metres. Today's hike takes us through Montenegro.  3 in our group are not going. One is sick, one doesn't really like heights and one doesn't feel fit enough. It's about 1 1/2 hours to transfer to the start of the hike.

That's where we are headed.

Almost to the summit.

 Made it! Next destination is the lake below.
Today's selfie.
Tea break on the descent.
Trnovaclo Lake, looking back at Maglic Mountain, far left peak.
That's where we came down.
Challenging hike, there were a couple of rough patches for me. I froze on the first set of cables. Felt like I didn't know where to put my hands and feet. Samer came down and talked me through it. Was worried about coming down from the summit, so wasn't sure I was going to go up, but Samer would have none of that nonsense. I had come that far, I was going to the top. In the end no problem. Final rough spot was the 'scree', it's not what I call scree, this was a rocky section in the trail, and I felt like it took forever for me to cross. Eventually made it down to the lake. Then we still had roughly a two hour trek to the van, 14 km total. But once we arrived Dzevad (our driver) had cold beers for us all. A well deserved reward. A challenging but rewarding day.
Back to the hotel for a quick shower and off for dinner, drinks and more laughs.


  1. YIKES!!! Good job, Brenda :) I'm afraid I would be the one who said no because of heights. And I love the Selfie!!!

  2. WOWZA! So much more beautiful than I remember.

    Happy for you that you had the weather and a great day!

  3. Paul here. So now you know what I mean by a scree day. On the verge of slipping out of control. Really enjoying your blog. Say hi to Samer.
