Saturday 29 October 2016

Mt. Hassel

Got up and saw Belinda off, her marathon is today.

Back to the hotel, time for another coffee then get organized for the hike up Mt. Hassel. Beautiful! Great way to spend the morning.

Lunch at Polar Lodge as the marathoners start to come in.

Here she comes!

Belinda was 11th woman to finish.

Dinner at Roklubben (rowing club)

Friday 28 October 2016

Russell Glacier

Excursion to Russell Glacier this morning, great weather.

Afternoon walking around Kangerlussuaq.

Thursday 27 October 2016

We have arrived!

And it's winter!  4 1/2 hour flight from Copenhagen and we arrive in Kangerlstuvk Greenland. A quick change into warm gear and the runners staying at the hotel  (the other accommodation are Polar Lodge and Old Camp) head out for a route inspection. Two stopsalong ythe way, including a 'picnic' stop for lunch. After a couple of hours we arrive at the start location of the race and the polar ice cap. It's a little windy this afternoon,  but we really grt a sense of the course and weather conditions. Exciting! With just a quick stop to watch a couple of reindeer on the way back it takes us just over an hour to return to town. Check into our hotek and I take a little rest, whilr Belinda goesvto straighten out her glacier tour booking and do a little souvenir shopping.  Dinner is in the cafeteria: muskox soup, pasta, meat and salad.  It was alright.  At dinner we sit with ValerieX2 from California.  We describe the northern lights and the possibility of seeing them. After dinner we ho out with the Valaries and the lightxare out! They are super pleased,  and we are relieved. It's lare, Copenhagen time, so we are off to bed.

Long Lake

Wednesday 26 October 2016

More Beer, Less Castles

Up early for a run with Belinda.  Had a great run through Christiana forest.  Got 15km in. Had a leisurely breakfast at the  hotel  and made plans for the day; which turned out to be a visit to the Carlsberg brewery. Went on the guided tour,  it was really good. Included with admission was two beers, they were great.

Next  on the agenda,  a stop at the lego store.

Nyhavn - see Monday's post

Dinner and the day is complete. Back to the hotel to get organized for our early departure tomorrow morning for Greenland.

Tuesday 25 October 2016

Castle, Palace, Belinda and Tivoli

Another slow start to the day. Enjoyed breakfast at the hotel this morning, the buffet seemed expensive before arriving, but realize it's just a little more than double than my coffee and pastry yesterday. In short, Copenhagen is EXPENSIVE. No longer looking at prices, just enjoying.
First on today's agenda, Rosenberg Castle.
Built at the beginning of the 1600s, used until the 1700s, and opened to the public as a museum in 1838.

Two angles of same painting.

Then made my way over to Amalienborg


Monday 24 October 2016


Up early on Sunday to get a couple more photos of Prague before I leave. A stroll around the castle and time to go. Just enough Czech crowns to get a beer at the airport, getting good at money management. Onto my fourth (and final) currency.
Get my ticket for the trip into the city. Don't see a sign for the train, just the metro. Once on the metro I realize it's not going to be direct like the train. Hmmm. Someone comes along to check tickets, I'm good, but the girl next to me has a ticket that's only good for 2 zones and she needs 3. So he informs her that he has to give her a fine. While she's filling out her information, I take the opportunity to get directions. All set now, no problems getting to my hotel. Settle in and decide on a burger joint for dinner. After walking a few blocks, I realize I might not be in best part of town, neon sign advertising 'Erotic Corner' kinda a give away. I think the diner is just a block or two more, but not liking the idea of having to walk back up this street after dinner. So I turn around. Find a place on near my hotel that does the job. In the morning I research Copenhagen's red light distinct, it is now the trendy part of town. What I saw wasn't trendy!

Enjoyed a slow start to the day. Have my plan together and off I go. Stop in at the tourist information and pick up a couple pamphlets and a map. Town hall is just a few blocks away, I get there just before 11, the walking tours head out at 11 and consider joining one, but decide not to. Snap a couple photos and move on. Two right turns and I am back at the tourist information. I take this as a sign and stop for a coffee and pastry, apparently I cannot function without coffee. Have a look at the map I picked up, it has a self-guided tour marked on it. Okay new plan, going to follow this map.  Works out well, easy to follow.

Town Hall


Trio of herring for lunch

St. Alban Church

Monument for Denmark's International Effort Since 1948
One Moment - One Place - One Person

What a great day!