Sunday 9 October 2016

Budapest Marathon

Run day. Perfect running weather.
The marathon was scheduled to start at 9:30 and the 10km at 10:15. A decent night's sleep, up early enough for a light bite to eat, and walked down to the start. Stood in front of Heroes' Square to watch the marathoners come around. Not too many at the back of the pack following the 5 hour pacers. Never have I seen so many people cut across the street in front of the runners, terrible. Best costume: chimney cake, followed by the Rubik's cube. (I'd already put my phone away so unfortunately no pictures). Time to get to the starting line and into corral 5. Looks like corral 6 is empty, I'm nearly at the back of the race; lined up being the 1:10 pacers. They are doing a steady pace and my plan is to stick with them and to walk through the two water stations. When I registered I checked to see if there were any other Canadians registered, there were two from Red Deer (see Janet, I can cyber stalk as well). I look to my left and I see a woman with a Canada shirt; yep they're from Red Deer. They have cycled from Germany. There is also a gentleman from Toronto in front of them. And then we slowly make our way across the start line. Nice and easy. That plan lasts until just over a kilometre when I find myself getting closer and closer to the pacers, and then what the hell, might as well keep going and pass them. Don't see them again until the out and back sections in city park. Stuck to plan and only walked through the water stations. Felt strong throughout, never have I continually passed people in a race and right to the end (I like it). Crossed the finish line, when I see my time, 1:05:09, thought I might actually cry, but didn't. Collect my medal and snack bag. See the couple from Red Deer one last time for congratulations. Decide to walk back towards the chimney cake festival, oh the lines today! Don't stop at any. There was a stall where you could buy t-shirts and stufff for the festival, they had chimney cake costume to put on for pics - oh how I wanted to put it on! Maybe if someone had been with me, but upon reflection it was probably way too small. The kid I saw in it might have been 5 or 6 and it wasn't that big on him. Back out to Hereo's Square to watch the marathoners come in. Hang around for quite a while, then back to the hotel to do a bit of laundry and a little nap.

After my nap, get myself together and head out for dinner. Pick a table on the square at Platz 'the place to be'. Go for the grilled goat cheese and salad. And to finish the night... Gelato. Walnut and chocolate. OMG that chocolate!

1 comment:

  1. YAY - I've been waiting for this blog post/race report. Brilliant, Brenda!! So happy for you - your hard work and consistency have paid off in are inspiring!!!I would have cried...OK, I cried for you!!

    And glad to hear you did some stalking ;)

    That gelato looks absolutely perfect! And well earned, my friend!!
