Saturday 8 October 2016


Today I finally cross over the river. First on my run.

 Shoes on the Danube

After breakfast I head back across the river.
St. Stephen
Matthias Church

Lunch at Bistro, not sureif it was a tradional Hungarian dish or nor, but it did contain pork and paprika, so  close enough. Great white wine. Vörösmarty square was a great place to sit and people watch.

Inside Gerbeaud coffee house.

Pumpkin and basil-lemon

End of the day, my watch shows 23km, time to put my feet up!

1 comment:

  1. And now I am in tears reading about the shoe memorial - OMG, such inhumanity! I can imagine the place is eerily quiet and you must have taken more than a moment to contemplate the souls lost to fear, greed and power. Thank you for posting the pics and the link!

    On to happier things - that coffee house looks amazing. And whomever did your pumpkin (in honor of Thanksgiving?) and basil lemon gelato was an artist (the one in your Jewish blog post was a little off). Did the pumpkin, basil lemon live up to that lavender chocolate one - or so different, it's hard to compare?
