Friday 21 October 2016


Field trip to Karlstejn to visit the castle. Down to the train station, manage to get my ticket purchased (able to pay in Euros, as I still have a few coins left). Now to wait until they post the platform. (The washroom at the station has a scale, no didn't step on it, I will save that for when I get home.) No platform coming up on the display, instead of the routing it is saying something else with an exclamation point behind it. That can't be good.  Yep, 11:17 isn't going. Next one 12:17. It'll be tight to make the tour at the castle, good thing I only have a reservation, and not paid for it yet, as the online purchase yesterday wouldn't take my credit card. Hope I am on the right train and in the right car. Not sure why I am feeling nervous about this, but I will feel better once I know I am right. Conductor takes my ticket no problem, eveything is okay. Beautiful trip in the country along the river through some cute villages, the leaves are changing colours. It's a 2km treck up the hill to the castle, make it to the ticket office with about a minute to spare. Great tour, unfortunately no pictures inside allowed.

Karlstejn Castle

 It's a little chilly today as I make my way back through town. The street is lined with shops and restaurants, quit a few are closed. Would probably fun on a nice warm and sunny day, but today I am going to head straight for the train. Short wait and I'm on my way back to Prague. After a quick change into a warmer coat, I go to the cute restaurant around the corner, pumpkin risotto. Warm and yummy.

1 comment:

  1. Too bad you couldn't take pictures of the castle...looks impressive! Glad you got on the train OK and that you made the tour. Gorgeous views from up there.

    Safe journey and keep warm :)
