Thursday 27 October 2016

We have arrived!

And it's winter!  4 1/2 hour flight from Copenhagen and we arrive in Kangerlstuvk Greenland. A quick change into warm gear and the runners staying at the hotel  (the other accommodation are Polar Lodge and Old Camp) head out for a route inspection. Two stopsalong ythe way, including a 'picnic' stop for lunch. After a couple of hours we arrive at the start location of the race and the polar ice cap. It's a little windy this afternoon,  but we really grt a sense of the course and weather conditions. Exciting! With just a quick stop to watch a couple of reindeer on the way back it takes us just over an hour to return to town. Check into our hotek and I take a little rest, whilr Belinda goesvto straighten out her glacier tour booking and do a little souvenir shopping.  Dinner is in the cafeteria: muskox soup, pasta, meat and salad.  It was alright.  At dinner we sit with ValerieX2 from California.  We describe the northern lights and the possibility of seeing them. After dinner we ho out with the Valaries and the lightxare out! They are super pleased,  and we are relieved. It's lare, Copenhagen time, so we are off to bed.

Long Lake

1 comment:

  1. Yay - you're there and you're blogging!! OK, it looks cold. I checked out the weather for Greenland and didn't think there would be that much snow with the forecast giving + temperatures (hmm, maybe they were in F?). And that hill - do you have to run up that hill? That looks more like a path up a sliding hill???

    So glad the Northern Lights made an appearance - did you manage to get some pics of them?

    Can't wait to read more - and see more. And best of luck to both of you on race day (Belinda doing the full on Saturday?).
